Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Here Today Gone Tomorrow

I painting above was made a few years back when we lived in Dallas. The neighborhood was made up of 1940's era homes that emphasized gardens and had front porches. The place we rented was a duplex from the same period and had the prettiest garden in back that we nursed back to health. The place was old and had been long neglected but it was home.

Anyway, it was winter and I wanted to paint the tree out front so I got all my paints and set up on the porch. That month it was all about sleet and some snow day after day. It was freezing cold so I could only paint five or ten minutes at a time before I had to go inside. A couple of hours later I had it finished and I was pretty pleased. What I didn't realize as I painted the tree was that the homes in the background would soon be gone and replaced by townhome-style structures minus the porches and gardens.

After we moved the duplex we lived in was also leveled to be replaced by the same kind of contemporary homes that were quickly sprouting up throughout the neighborhood. I'm glad I made that painting.

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