Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas


Friday, July 22, 2011

Friday Roundup

This past week has been relatively light in the work department much as the previous weeks have been since summer started. I'm not complaining. I'm the first one to realize how lucky I am to have such a flexible schedule working as Doc Ed that gives me quite a bit of freedom to do whatever else strikes my fancy. This summer, though, has been especially quiet and I'm getting a little antsy.

To shake things up a bit this summer I've tried to expand my social horizons and learn more by joining a club or two. For various reasons these attempts have fallen short this summer. One club whose meetings I've tried to attend is the Society of American Magicians which meets the first Thursday of every month... except for the occasions when I've tried to attend. I'll give it a another shot next month.

Another club I'd like to be a part of is the Alamo Area Woodcarvers. Scheduling conflicts have been an issue every time their meeting comes up but as of this past Saturday I managed to catch one of their meetings and joined the club. It's very informal but they are pretty eager to teach you whatever you need to know about woodcarving. They also make you feel very welcome and the coffee is plentiful, people. I learned some new things about sharpening my carving knife and some handy tips on carving basswood. Needless to say I had a really good time and it was inspirational.

Here's something that should inspire almost anyone. Check it out.

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