Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Tax Man Cometh

It's time for to do our taxes here at Rancho Ramirez. It's just doesn't feel like springtime until we've filled out those pesky tax forms and send them flying north after a bitter winter. Fun times, baby! In the world of the freelance artist there's a lot of paper work to keep track of throughout the year. You think I would have gotten used to it by now. Sheesh! In the last couple of years though, we have managed to whittle the mountain of paper down to a more manageable pile. Even then it's still a bit of a pain but that's the price we pay for being self employed.

With any luck we'll have our taxes done before the end of the month then we get to watch everyone else rush to the post office on the last day. The downtown post office always had a huge line and postal workers manned several stations outside to get the income tax returns in drive thru fashion. I don't know if we'll get a refund but if we do it will be spent in a week catching up on bills and buying new clothes for the kids. Meanwhile Pammy and I dream of a bigger refund next year. It's the circle of strife.

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