Review for the DCT/Omaha Magic Theatre production of
"Star Path Moon Stop" in 1996. Click on the image for a magnified view. Dad called the other day to tell me he'd found a scrapbook of mine back home in Laredo. I thought I'd lost it. I hadn't seen it in years. In it were a bunch of photos and newspaper clippings from our first few years in Dallas. Thanks, dad!

Pammy and I taking a break during full dress rehearsal. I'm glad I took so may photos and kept all the clippings and programs over the years. It's easy to forget how much we've done in the last twenty years.

Publicity photo with some of the cast. I'm on the left, Bradley Spinelli center and Pammy is on the right. I don't the name of the boy sitting in front. We played a variety of nameless roles so the program lists us only by our own names and the child roles were double-cast making it impossible to know his name. He's either Baltazar Rodriguez, Bladimir Martinez, Jesus Parga or Hector Soto. That's the best I could do. Sorry, my fellow actors. At least I spelled your names correctly.

The ensemble cast of Star Path Moonstop rehearsing a rather odd scene.
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