Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Who You Gonna Call?

Above is a portrait of John Belushi I drew a few years ago. I'm not posting this for the anniversary of his death or birthday because I don't know the exact date for either. Last week Bill Murray was on the Letterman Show and it got me to look up Bill Murray footage on Youtube. That inevitably leads to Saturday Night Live clips which often include John Belushi.

I loved all the original SNL cast but Belushi was, I believe, the most versatile of all of them playing characters like The Samuri, The Hulk, the Godfather, Elizabeth Taylor, Joe Cocker, Marlon Brando as "The Wild One" and a whole host of others. His samuri character. a loving impression of Toshiro Mifuni, was the best because he did it all with a few grunts and screams but did the rest of it all with the beautiful pantomimic skills of his face and body.

Well, anyway, in the process of checking out some fine sketch comedy on Youtube I ran across a few interviews with Bill Murray and director Ivan Reitman (not too sure of the spelling and don't really care, I guess) confirming that Ghostbusters 3 is in production and will probably be released next summer.

Back when the first Ghostbusters movie was originally released, I read that Dan Akroyd had, of course, intended to have Belushi be one of the Ghostbusters. I've always wondered what that would have been like. Slimer is supposed to be a tribute to Belushi so I guess in a way he did get to play a part in the film.

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