Review for the play "Fallen Angels" at the Alamo Street Restaurant and Dinner Theatre. Pammy got a good write- up.

In the early nineties, specifically November of 1992, there was some decent theater work happening in downtown San Antonio. Nestled deep in the heart of the King Williams neighborhood, was Bill Larson's Alamo Street Theatre and Restaurant (now Casbeers) , that was running Noel Cowards "Fallen Angels"as it's inaugural play. It was directed by Danny Spear and the cast consisted of company members including Pammy who recalls it being a fun show and received a good review for comedic role as the "know-it-all" maid.
The place is reputedly haunted and on the evening of the anniversary of Eddie Raffel's death (a legendary San Antonio actor, theater mover/shaker and theatrical entrepreneur), Pam dedicated the evening's performance to him and a split second later the lights went out. There were no storms or any other reasonable cause for the power outage except perhaps Eddie playing a prank as he often did in life. Nonetheless, the show went on. Pam entered the stage, in character, to explain that during her travels to Africa or Asia, such occurrences were not permitted to interfere with any theatrical presentation. With that, the show went on in candlelight until just minutes before the end of the play when the lights came back on. Life is so much more fun with theater.