Self portrait. Pastel on paper. 18"x24"
The month of September is finally here which means that stores will be setting out Halloween decorations in preparation of that spooky night almost two months away. Personally I don't mind them jumping the gun that way because the holiday season ends to quickly for us. So what if it isn't even Labor day yet. Bring it!!
Oh and speaking of Labor Day, my dear wife Pammy celebrated her birthday this week. Happy birthday to my better half. We're doing something fun for her b-day this weekend which will include lot'sa wine. Whahooo!!!
On the art front, I'm still waiting for word on the Houston Metro project. The wheels of progress are perilously close to grinding to a halt. I anticipate a call some morning just as I'm sipping a hot cup of coffee while I munch on an empanada and laugh at the feline antics in Get Fuzzy. It'll be the calm voice of my art director telling me the art has to be finished in a.s.a.p, pronto time to which I will calmly reply, " Okey dokey, there. Then I'll hang up the phone so I can go cry in the shower as I eat a soggy empanada. No,no. I'm thinking happy thoughts. Happy, happy, joy, joy!