The above photo is from the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus Red Unit's Clown Alley from 1989-90. Pammy, wearing a polka dotted blouse and orange wig, is near the top popping out from behind the clown in a black tux and pink wig. The other clown performer I'd like to point out is the second clown in a black tux (with blue trim) standing at the bottom left. That's Ted Ferlo. The character you see was developed over time and on this tour he was the conductor for the orchestra gag, which occupied all three rings. The part was very physically demanding but what made his performance all the more impressive and amazing but could not have been appreciated by the audience was that he was doing this high energy gag with only one lung. Pammy would see him in the alley after the gag sitting at his trunk, breathing heavily. When she asked him if he was okay he responded that he had only one lung and he just had to sit there and breathe.
Years later Pammy enrolled into the Performing Artist's Musical Theatre Conservatory at Mountain View College in Dallas, Texas. Ted Ferlo had been a student in the conservatory years before. It was here that Pammy learned from one of the instructors how he had lost his lung. It had happened downtown in an area known as the Westend, where one could find a variety of restaurants, bars and nightclubs. One evening while at the Westend with his fellow students, he was stabbed.
That's as much as we could learn from the instructor. He did eventually complete his studies at the conservatory ( a very demanding two year program). He followed that by completing the rigorous program of the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Clown College after which he was offered and accepted a contract with their circus. He was a pretty amazing fellow and by all accounts a very funny clown. Rest in peace Ted Ferlo.