If there is one thing we enjoy more than anything it's making little children laugh. When Pam and I met it was at a children's theater that catered mostly to a daycare- age audience making for some of the most enjoyable and memorable times we've had on stage. They can be the toughest audience too. If they don't like something they don't hesitate to let you know and we never tried to give them anything less than our very best in all regards from the sets to the costumes to the music and makeup.It all mattered to us because we put ourselves in their place. They expected and deserved to see a good show and that's the way it should be regardless of the audience's age.
Some folks like to cut corners on production values because their audience is very young. Rather than make something by hand or spend a little extra money and/or time going the extra mile on a costume piece or prop they go to Party City for there theatrical supply needs. (Nothing personal Party City.) That kind of practice is all too common these days and drives us crazy. It doth maketh our teeth grit! Respect your audience please.
If it helps, think about this way:Those young children are the theater patrons of the future but they wont be returning to a live theater as adults if they have memories of fidgeting in their seats because they were being assailed by a mediocre production from a non-profit theater and bored out of their minds. They'll be at the movies or plop themselves in front of the t.v. quicker than you can say "thespian". It's a privilege to perform in front of any audience. If you really love it do it right or look into a career in the food services industry so I don't have to worry about developing an ulcer and a drinking habit. Man! Sometimes you just need to vent!! Y'know ?I'm okay now. Really. I love everybody! "We are the world, we are the children...".