This week was interesting. I attended the World of Water teacher conference at Region 20 to learn what I could about guessed it: the world of water! And free food was enjoyed by all. Yummy.
Pammy continued fine-tuning The Three Billy Goats Gruff by adding comedy bits and dance choreography to this musical theater presentation. The kids are going to look good. Should be a fun show. Work continued on the papier mache-ing of the troll mask and I recorded some vocal effects for the show too.
My "monster" illustrations are coming along nicely. I'm feeling good about them and hope to have them completed by late next week. I'll start the Bride of Frankenstein on Sunday. Once the three illustrations are finished I've got the next three monsters lined up and ready to start.
David Pitts,a.k.a., The Astonishing Mr. Pitts, a staple of the children's entertainment community here, and I spent some time chewing the fat over the phone. The illustrations would look great on t-shirts and David has experience in screen printing, so next week I hope to get together with him to see how to make that happen and talk other fun stuff.
And last but not least I wanted to let you know that tomorrow is the ArtSlam at the White Rabbit. I'm a little a nervous but also excited about the challenge. I'll be painting a villain of my choice from 7p.m. until whenever. I hope to see you there.
Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas
Friday, July 13, 2012
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Theater Workin' Life
Pammy's first headshot
When things are a bit rough at work it never hurts to look to your past to gain some perspective.
When the going gets tough....
Three Penny for your thoughts?
Working in the miniature world of puppets was a lot of fun! Keep your head down low.
Bumps along the way are to be expected but sometimes when it rains it pours... so why not dance in it!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Clown College Newsletter 1996 Plus - Huel Speight
Here's another article from the newsletter about a beloved Ringling clown that I had the good fortune to know on the road and learned a bit about juggling from him: Huel Speight. He was the Yoda of the Red Unit Clown Alley in the 90's. When I went on the road with the Ringling Red Unit he'd already been on the show around 15 years, if I'm not mistaken. Huel always did his job and I never heard him complain about anything. Between shows you could always be certain to find him practicing his juggling either in the ring or somewhere backstage. And he was always ready to help a First of May any way he could. He was very inspiring.and he is definitely circus.
That's Huel Speight back in the day as they say, peeking out on Red Skelton's right side. Tammy Parrish is on Huel's right side wearing the yellow dress.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Slapstick Theatre- Mel Brooks' History of the World Part 1: The Inquisition (1981)

I love this movie! I wish there was a part II. Oy!!
Making a Troll Mask
I forgot to post the finished sculpt for the troll mask last week. It's for the play tales from Norway which will be presented at St. Phillips College. The floppy ears shown in the sketch will be added later.The papier mache process which follows, is a method that I enjoy using because of the beautiful results one gets if one is patient and careful. It takes a little time to make something this way but it's time well spent. Pammy and I have used it for making puppets, masks, props and set pieces for years.
We used it quite a bit back when Pammy and I were having fun at the San Antonio Fine Arts Center where we all wore many hats and gladly did so in order to put on the best show possible. If you take good care of it a papier mache piece can last a very long time to be reused over and over again. Keeping your props in a climate controlled room like a storage unit is the best way. We've got all of our goodies in one filled from end to end; safe and sound from the elements.
I'll take shots for this particular project as it progresses and post them throughout the week.
Sunday Morning Matinee- Tarzan of the Apes (1918)
When I was growing up part of my weekend was spent sitting in front of the t.v. watching double feature monster movies but for a long while they showed most every Tarzan movie of the sound era that had been made up to that time (late 60's early 70's). My favorite were the ones starring Johnny Weissmuller as the lord of the apes but I enjoyed them all watching them repeatedly.
The photo that tormented me so.
Every so often, though, I'd see a photo in Famous Monsters of Filmland of Tarzan films I was not familiar with like those of the silent era. Forry Ackerman had countless tantalizing images he'd place in his wonderful magazine just for fun, I guess. This was before the internet so I had very little access to any further information about these films beyond the caption under the photo. They remained a mystery for a very long time. It drove my little kid mind crazy!
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