Great Saturday night. Great Saturday in general. After our trip to the library we hunkered down in our air conditioned oasis to watch the first two Tarzan movies released by MGM and starring the one and only Johnny Weismuller as the King of the Apes. We found a six disc set at the library and immediately checked it out. Thank you library!
By the time the second film was over half of the hour of Batman was over so I didn't do any drawing from that show. Once I set up I sketched from Lost in Space and Star Trek. Star Trek episode was the Galileo Seven, which I think could mean the shuttle craft or the party on board that were conducting the up close scientific study of the quasar like formation known as Murasaki 312. Great episode and cast. And no red shirt was harmed in the making of this episode. Really. Yellow shirts bit the dust this time.
That's all for now. Night, night.