"Lost and Forgotten". Acrylic on canvas 16'x20'.

"Wandering". Acrylic on canvas 12'x18'.
I've been working on a series of circus paintings for a while now and above are the first two I've completed. It'll include clowns ,of course.
Once the paintings are done I'll hopefully have found a gallery to show them off making my fortune and become independently wealthy proving my high school teachers wrong once and for all! Bwah ha ha haahaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhaaaaa!
That's the thing about painting your own personal work. It's like tossing the dice. People come to the reception and they might like the art but that doesn't mean they'll buy it. They'll eat the food and drink the wine then they're gone. It's kind of the like going to the grocery store and eating the samples for your lunch or dinner.It's all the fun without the financial commitment. In fact I think I've seen the same art patrons at Cosco munching down on the free nacho chips. Nah! Couldn't be.
I'll be posting more circus paintings in the near future so stay tuned kids to see if our intrepid artist can stay away from the "real job market" and and feed the hungry masses with cheap wine, crackers and bree if I can afford it!