Husband and wife.
This my 21st year as an actor/performer which covers a lot of ground. Around this time 21 years ago I walked in to the Woodlawn Theater absolutely unsatisfied with the direction my life was going and decided to take a chance on an improv class. My life has never been the same since. Thankfully!! There I met my future wife Pammy, learned to act and clown thanks to her and started what I felt to be my true calling: "The Stage"!
I never would have done any of it, though, were it not for Pammy's encouragement and her own love for the theater which was very infectious. Her love for the stage began very early in her life. Without her, my life would be radically different today. She introduced me into a world that felt so right for me. Through thick and thin, good times and bad we've had many grand adventures and will continue to do so, my dear. Above and below are few special moments from the past 21 years.

Raising a family.

Pammy and I dressed as pirates for Cereal Box Submarine sitting after the show with our dear friend Louise.

On the bridge at Le Theatre de Marionette.

Star Path Moonstop at the Dallas Children's Theater.

Pammy and Christy.

Pammy as Calpurnia in Julius Cesar.

Making masks.

Making set pieces.


Making puppets.

Playing circus.

Playing a doofus...

Playing circus some more!

Promoting a book.

Pammy on far right as Mama Bear and on left kneeling me as Baby Bear.

Pammy as the Christmas Princess.

A jester...

I'm not sure what...

The bohemian artist life at Blue Lake.
" Life's like a movie, write your own ending, keep believing, keep pretending..."