I've been working throughout the week to spruce up the props for the Doc Ed shows including History of a Rockstar: The Edwards Aquifer. I made a popup book to show the progression of the population growth over the aquifer but I always thought it needed something else. Then I thought of it! I had a eureka moment. I decided to build a base on which to set the book and the base would quite naturally be a cut-away of the Edwards Aquifer.
I made it from a piece of white pine that I carved with a palm gouge and dremel tool. It took a while to carve out all the grooves and shapes in there but I've always enjoyed carving and was glad to carve a wooden prop for the show. The wood will make it very durable since it will be used often. The chances of it getting dinged will be reduced significantly because it's solid wood rather than styrofoam.
The water is made from soft foam air drying clay like the kind I'm using to make the nautilus shell for the same show. I'm almost done with that prop too.
I then painted it with my handy dandy acrylic paints starting with opaque layers of color then finishing it with washes for a translucent effect. It looks pretty good and I think it will help drive the message home about how population growth directly affects the Edwards Aquifer. Pat on the back for me. Yay!!