Steve Smith, our Clown College Director and fellow clown.

Clown College I.D. photos of myself (above) and my clown brother Chad Miller (below). I seem to have a faux mullet while Chad sports the chain gang cut. He never stopped smiling that way much to my annoyance.

We get our Clown College jumpsuits. Pictured in the foreground is Karen Rylander and to her left is Kristin Stearns. Pictured above is the beloved Clown College bus. Popping out of the windows are (L to R) Chris "C Mack" MacKenzie, Benny Schultz, Darren R. Wilson, Sasha Brietman and Lem Fillyaw.
So much went on that first day but one of the highlights was going to wardrobe to be measured for our "agent suits" and our Clown College jumpsuits. When we finally got them we couldn't wait to try them on. They were white and splattered artfully with a rainbow of colors and they had the Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Clown College log on the back. Not pictured in the clipping above is the baseball caps given to us on the first day that also had the Clown College logo. It simply made you feel very special. I mean being there was special enough but those seemingly little things like a baseball cap and jumpsuit meant a lot to us. We wore them if we went anywhere beyond the confines of the designated Clown College campus on the Circus World Museum grounds or for field trips during school hours. Pam and I still have ours as does Chad. Steve Smith had style.