Arts in the Family: A Family of Artists Just Trying to Make a Living in the Wilds of Texas


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Performing Arts Musical Theatre Conservatory

Hello Everyone!
This is a video clip of my one woman show I wrote, produced and performed for finals at the Performing Arts Theatre Conservatory (PAMTC). I want to share this with you because I would like to talk about getting hit by a 4' pie. (with a cherry on top. Albert has a thing for details!). This idea was created by Albert, the pie was made by Albert, and it was dropped by Albert. He loves to throw pies at me! The plot and title of the show was "What is Funny?". After a lot of analytical stuff, this is what happens at the end when I have a revelation: Big pies ....funny. Back when I was 19, I worked at a bar doing comedy writing, and I allowed my self to get hit in the face with raw liver. Big laughs but quite disgusting. The clean up took days and I kept smelling it,even after two showers! I have been hit with bologna, spit on with water, and hit with a kitchen sink. But the big pie got the biggest laugh ( the liver got the biggest "ewww") So is bigger better in comedy? I don't know all I know is " big pie .....funny". - Pammy

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